What Does "Subhadra DBT Seeding Pending" Mean?

if you fill subhadra yojana form and it you are getting problem " subhadra dbt seeding pending"

This message indicate that "Aadhaar number has not yet been linked or "seeded" to your bank account for Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) purposes"

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if you want to Complete Aadhaar Seeding process you need to follow 5 steps

step 1: visit your bank branch where you hold your account

step 2: visit branch and fill out Aadhaar seeding consent form, this form is available on branch as well as bank official website also.

step 3: bank officials verify your detail with your consent form

step 4: once your verification is completed bank  will link your Aadhaar card with bank account  & also update it in the NPCI mapper.

step 5: After completion is confirm you will easily apply on Subhadra yojana without getting" seeding pending error"  

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Check whether the bank is linked with Aadhaar or not.

if you want to check your bank account is linked to aadhar card , you need to check using uidai  website

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Step 1 : visit uidai.gov.in

step 2:  click on Aadhaar Linking Status

step 3: you need to select option bank seeding status

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step 4: you need to add your aadhar card number in input box with captcher button

step 5: when you click on send otp button it will send otp to register  mobile number

step 6: when your otp is verified you will see that your bank accoutn is linked to aadhaar card

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Subhadra Yojana Online Apply Without Ekyc Process