Check whether the bank is linked with Aadhaar or not.

if you want to check your bank account is linked to aadhar card , you need to check using uidai  website

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Step 1 : visit

step 2:  click on Aadhaar Linking Status

step 3: you need to select option bank seeding status

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step 4: you need to add your aadhar card number in input box with captcher button

step 5: when you click on send otp button it will send otp to register  mobile number

step 6: when your otp is verified you will see that your bank accoutn is linked to aadhaar card

Subhadra Yojana Online Apply Without Ekyc Process

In this story I will share with you step by step how to fill form online ->

Subhadra yojana started by odisha government to help low income groups women

women can apply in subhadra yojana offline or online both for more checkout belwo link. 

In this i will share with process i how to apply online in subhadra yojana

First visit official odisha website and click on login button

click on csc login button it will redirect to new page 

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Once you click on csc login it will redirecy you to CSC login dashboard where you need to fill your credientials

Once you click login it will redirect to yojana dashbaord

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Once you verify your aadhar card it will redirect to application form where you need to fill your personal detail you checkout our form

Once you fill the entire form click on submit button, it will redirect to new page where you see message "application successfully submitted ", if want to see entire process checkout below link